School NEWS
Lake Road PTA School has a variety of news items arising from the School events that happens during the course of the Academic calender.
Lake Road PTA School is accepting enrolments from Nursery to Grade Twelve for all prospecting Learners with Special Education Needs (LSEN) who wish to enrol in an All-INCLUSIVE learning environment. The enrolled learners with SEN will be given an opportunity to access all co-curricular activities that the School offers. The School's establishment include a strategic SEN Department that deals with Pupils with learning difficulties in Mathematics, Reading and Writing Skills. This Department is managed by our qualified and registered SEN Teacher with a minimum qualification of a Bachelor's Degree in/with Education.
SEN Department Objectives:
1. The SEN Teacher gives the Learners remedial lessons as well as other specialized learning activities aimed at improving their specific area/s of need.
2. SEN specialized learning offers an extensive reading program and provides fine motor muscle training to improve Learners' handwriting. The SEN Teacher is equal to this task which is demonstrated and performed effectively.
3. To ensure that ALL enrolled LSEN who join the School with a number of different difficulties are helped with personal educational development skills.
4. To ensure that LSEN are later integrated back to their classrooms and provided support for them to do better in order to be competitive academically and in other faculties.
Tuition Fees Policies for SEN Learners
1. School fees must be paid in FULL for LSEN before being granted access to specialised learning facilities for the term.
2. SEN Fee shall be charged additional to the standard billing for the term to every child registered for learning support:
2.1 Senior Secondary: K2, 000.00/learner
2.2 Primary School: K1, 500.00/learner
2.3 Pre-School Graders: K2,0000.00/learner
3. All School fees MUST be paid into the following School Bank Account:
(1) A/C Name : Lake Road PTA School
(2) A/C No. : 0110004514016
(3) Bank : Investrust Bank
(4) Branch : Arcades
(5) SORT Code : 170005 (6) SWIFT Code: VSTRZMLUXXX
4. Three deposit slips MUST be completed and clearly indicated the Name(s) of the child(ren) & their grade(s).
We thank you for your expression of interest for our learning support program. We value your association with Lake Road PTA School and for being part of the community.
Lake Road PTA School Management
NOTE: SEN Enrollment PDF Version [Download]
The Board of Governors in 2016 made a resolution to affiliate Lake Road PTA School with Cambridge University for IGCSE examinations centre. The resolution was passed in order to improve enrolment levels which were declining in the secondary school section. This resolution was effected by management in 2017 by ensuring the School was registered. Since the School was registered as a centre for IGCSE Tuition and Examination Centre, the School is charged annual subscription fee of GBP5, 621.88 additional to other costs for Cambridge resources and Continuous Professional Development (CPD) for the specialised teachers which is recoverable from the enrolled learner. The Board of Governors and Management of Lake Road PTA School, as a self-governing government school is mandated to manage the School sustainably and ensure prudent financial management of resources.
In order to recover the operational costs associated with IGCSE tuitions and examinations centre, the following is the model of absorbing related costs for the Cambridge Stream. Cambridge Levy shall therefore be charged for every child enrolled as a Cambridge stream learner from Grade Eleven billed as follows:
1.1.1 2020 Grade 12s Cambridge Stream: Tuition Levy of K1,800.00/ learner for each term shall be billed from Term One 2019, an additional fee charged to the prevailing tuition fees payable.
1.1.2 Total Cambridge Tuition Levy of K10,800.00/ learner for six terms for the Twelfth graders shall be billed in Term One 2020, additional to the prevailing tuition fees payable in instalments.
1.1.3 The deadline for payment of instalments shall be 30th August 2020.
1.2 Grade 11 Class Cambridge Stream: A termly fee of K2,000.00/ learner for each term shall be billed from Term One 2019, additional to the prevailing tuition fees per learner.
1.3 Grade 10 Class Cambridge Stream: A termly fee shall NOT be charged per learner for each term in the Tenth Grade, additional to the prevailing tuition fees per learner.
1.4 External Candidates:
A Cambridge Centre Fee and subject examinations administration fees shall be determined by management depending on competitive rates from other centres.
We thank you for your expression of interest and enrolling your child for the Cambridge Stream Learning at Lake Road PTA School. We value your association with Lake Road PTA School, for believing in the vision of the School and for making a choice of being part of the community.
Lake Road PTA School Management
NOTE: IGSCE/CAmbridge Tuition Levy PDF Version [Download]
The School is accepting e-Learning enrolments for all prospecting Pupils who are NOT Pupils at Lake Road PTA School but want to enrol as e-Learners who will ONLY access the School e-Learning facilities through the School Learning Management System.
NOTE: eLeaning Enroment PDF Version [Download]
4. The School Learning Management System (LMS)
Lake Road PTA School has deployed a Learning Management System (LMS) called Moodle to deliver the eLearning to our Learners in the comfort of their Homes.
Moodle the Learning Management System (LMS)
We will be transitioning from the Home Schooling Program that we have been using on the School Website and the YouTube School channel where we have been uploading School materials for our Learners to access.
To this effect, starting from 2nd June 2020 the School will be using a Learning Management System called Moodle to provide eLearning to the Learners at Home.Who will access the LMS during the week of launch?
Every Child will be allowed access to the Lake Road PTA School Moodle during the First week of the launch of LMS starting 2nd June 2020 TO 6th June 2020 during which ALL the Learners will be required to:
1) Update their Profile by:
a) Typing the correct & valid Email Address,
b) Uploading a Recent Passport Sized Photo,
c) Updating the following in the Optional Field
(i) Phone No.,
(ii) Mobile No., &
(iii) Address
c) Changing the default (Reset) Password, and
d) Saving the Profile changes by clicking on the Update Profile Button to complete the changes made on the Profile.
2) All the Pupils will sample the first Lessons that the Teachers will upload in the first Week of deployment of the School Learning Management System in order to enable all Learners have a feel of what they will be using.
This is what you will expect from the Teachers
Your Teachers will:
i) Upload Recorded Lessons
a) Video format, or
b) Audio format
ii) Upload School Materials
a) Notes,
b) Homework/Exercises
iii) Create Activities of work in Moodle e.g. create Quizzes that the Pupils will have to work out right in Moodle and thereafter Moodle will record the scores immediately for the Learner to understand how they performed.
iv) Schedule live (Online/streamed) classes on a particular Date & Time for Learners to interact with their Teaches in real-time as the Teacher will be presenting a Lesson.
How to access LMS?
To access the Lake Road PTA School LMS (Moodle), the Learners will be required to use the UNIQUE Login Credentials that have been created for each of them, i.e:
i) User Name:
ii) Reset Password:
a) In order to accord the highest level of privacy & eliminate the human error of wrongly sending the Credentials to the wrong Learners and our limitation in our School BULK SMS system, we appeal to our Parents/Learners and request that these Login Credentials are REQUESTED FOR BY EMAIL to the System Administrator stating the Full Names of the Child(ren) and their Grade & Class (E.G, Grade 7 Green).
Send the Login Credentials REQUEST to,
b) Learners are strongly advised to change the Default Password to a private and more secure Password.
c) Learners with Outstanding School Fees from Term 1 2020 and those who have not paid School Fees for Term 2 2020 will be locked out starting 8th June 2020 from accessing the Lake Road PTA School Moodle or accessing ALL of the eLearning Materials in Moodle.
The Cost implications to the School of implementing LMS
To provide the eLearning using LMS the School requires to meet the following costs:
a) Monthly Subscription for the Learning Management System to the Software Vendor,
b) Buying/renting the Computers/Tablets for the Teachers to use for managing eLearning from anywhere or advising the Teachers to bring-your-own-device (BYOD) which the School will need to pay them for using their own personal property for undertaking the official School work.
c) Buying MiFi Devices (Aka. "Mobile Wi-Fi") for the Teachers to use for connecting their Computers/Tablets to the Internet, and
d) Buying Internet Data Bundles for the Teachers in order for them to access Internet & Moodle from the comfort of their Homes and manage the Pupils eLearning,
e) Meeting the Remuneration costs for the Teachers for providing education by way of eLearning from anywhere they will be to the Learners.
We extend our appreciation for your continued association with the School and supporting its Community projects. It is because of invaluable relationship that will ensure the School is operating in a sustainable manner which ensures its going concern for the foreseeable future.
NOTE: School Learning Management System News (PDF Version) [Download]
Synopsis of the ECZ National Exam Results 2019
The Grade 7 2019 intake recorded the Best Results performance.

The Grade 9 2019 intake recorded the Best Results performance.

You may check out the School Social media Sites too for other items of news:
School Facebook Page
School Best of Zambia Profile Page
You may catch up on the events that you may have missed by checking out the Old News items. Click here