The School PTA Committees

    The Board of Governors of the PTA has a number of the Board Committees in the School that carries out a number of activities in order to furtherance the prospects of the School

    Lake Road PTA School has six PTA Committees that represents the Board of Governors in the School

    The members of the PTA Committees are choosen from among the Parents whom the School invites to volunteer to serve on these Committees by bringing them on board to contribute towards identifying and develop initiatives for forstering the development of the School.

    The School PTA Committee members serve in their Committee for a term of two years.

    The following are the PTA Committees at Lake Road PTA School and their Terms of Reference:

  • Academic Committee

    The Academic Committee is charged with the responsibility of working together with the School in the delivery of the curriculum. The Committee helps to set academic standards together with the School Management and Staff.

  • Audit Committee

    The Audit Committee focuses on the levels of compliance to set processes, procedures and standards (Internal Controls), Governance and Risk Management.

  • Administration Committee

    The Administration Committee is mandated with the responsibility of providing guidance in the administration and staff welfare issues in the School.

  • Finance Committee

    The Finance Committee is charged with the mandate to provide direction on the financial operations of the School. The Committee focused mainly on reviewing the financial and management accounts and preparation of the budgets.

  • Projects Committee

    The Projects Committee recommends and supervises on behalf of the Board the infrastructural projects that the School may undertake.

  • Fundraising Committee

    The Fundraising Committee is charged with the responsibility of raising funds to supplement the financial resources of the School.